Friday 9 March 2018

Goodbye and thanks for all the Fish

So it's been two years since I last posted on here.

And I mostly blog on Tumblr these days so...

This is the end. I'm going to keep the blog up as an archive of my achievements/obituaries/whatever I posted here. Just for the sake of my own ego.

But thank you all for reading my posts and, in true Gren fashion-

Live Long and Prosper 

Friday 11 March 2016

Fuck the World.

Just. Fuck it.

Okay. Yeah? Fuck the fucking world.



Monday 7 March 2016

Agent Carter has finished it second season.

And as usual, I loved it!

Because of spoiler haters out, I won't post my favourite moment in the series. But it took place in the finale and it involved Director Sousa. It was not the ending, but one of the many action sequences. And to me, it was a thing that Cap would've done. 

That said, once again, Agent Carter's ratings were low. 

Do I think Agent Carter will get a third season? I honestly don't know. I didn't think it would get a second season because of its ratings and how long it took to come out on DVD, and then ABC renewed it. 

So I'll just say that I hope it gets a third season. The more Peggy Carter there is in my world, the happier I will be. And no, its not just because Hayley Atwell is a damn fine looking woman. 


Thursday 7 January 2016

2016: Updated Bucket List

As usual, I'm going to start off by apologising for the lack of updates; Real Life stuff got in the way. 

And also as usual, I'm going to completely gloss over the real life stuff (since I might post about it in a future blog post) and get on with what it says in the title. So this is the original list (the strikethroughs were already there, since when I wrote the list I deliberately included a few things I'd already done).

1. Travel more.
2. Say yes to more things.
3. Draw more. - WIP
4. Write more. - WIP
5. See family & friends, particularly the ones who are further away than others.
6. Go to a ceilidh.
7. Meet Neil Gaiman.
8. Write a book, not necessarily for publishing but just so I can say I've written one.
9. Learn Blender.
10. Walk more.
11. Spend more time outside.
12. Have an obscene amount of sex.
13. Learn an instrument.
14. Take a camera to more places.
15. Spend more time on original ideas.
16. Buy a 3D printer.
17. Actually keep a phone.
18. Go to a comic convention in costume.
19. Post a full animation onto Youtube.
20. Play Cards Against Humanity. 
21. Stop making excuses and actually do things. - WIP
22. Cook more.
23. Remember that I am ill and there are times I can't do what other people can. But on the flip side, that is not my whole existence. Find the proper balance. - WIP
24. Be happier. - WIP
25. Spend more time offline - WIP
26. Learn to paint.
27. Go bungee jumping and sky diving.
28. Actually organise my DVDs properly.
29. Start the 3D printing business.
30. find a lovely girlfriend.

I am pleased to note that I have, in fact, accomplished a few more things off that list. A few more are now WIPs, so I'll note those next to it. New completed ones are struck through and bolded. The WIPs have WIP written next to them. 5 is bold now but not struck through because I have done this, I've seen a lot of family and friends this past year, but I don't want to give up on this one. 

And now, some more items for the bucket list:

31. Don't use Dad as an excuse not to do things.
32. Stop worrying as much about money.
33. Don't be as annoyed by people when they don't want you to help/do things. They know that you push yourself too hard sometimes.
34. Dance more - it's fun!
35. Get out of routines. They're safe but not necessarily fun
36. Remember to rest. You might hate it but it's good for you.
37. Be more creative.
38. Read less Star Trek, read more not Star Trek.
39. Try and eat better.
40. Think more before you resort to sarcasm - it's not always funny to everyone.

And that's it. That's my updated bucket list. 


Sunday 9 August 2015


So once again, the blog went on a bit of hiatus without warning. Sorry about that.

Some real life stuff of the big kind got in the way and pretty much everything, and I mean everything, got wrapped up in a sheet and pushed to one side. It's still wrapped in that sheet, for the record, but things are slowly returning to normal. 

Hopefully the blog will be one of them.

And that is not at all what I want to talk about. Normally when I come back from a hiatus, I will make a mini-post announcing my return and promising a post tomorrow which will appear a week later. Not this time.

Because this time, I have been inspired and actually have a topic I'd like to discuss. 


No, I am not about to become a father. That would've been announced with a photo of the sonogram or whatever. However, at the moment, there are suddenly a lot of babies around. One of my best friends has welcomed a little girl into her family and I'm staying at my aunt & uncle's house with my cousin, his partner and their 9 month old girl. So naturally, the topic of babies and whether or not I want to be a father has been on my mind.

The truth is, I think I would be an excellent father. I am good with small children and thanks to nursing, I don't have an issue with bodily fluids. Since my sleeping pattern is shit anyway, I have no problem getting up at all times for feeding, changing, etc. Quite honestly, I have zero problem, save the lack of a girlfriend/wife, with having a baby right now.

But I do not know if I want to become a parent. My body is a genetic time bomb, as many readers know. I don't know if I want to have children, knowing that I might become a burden to them later in life, or even sooner. It might be that I decline rapidly within the next few years. It might be that I don't. I don't know. No one does. But there is always that thought at the back of my mind whenever I see a baby smile at me (and yes, babies always smile at me) which makes me think about having one of my own. 

Anyway, sorry about the downer/deep thoughtful post so soon after returning.


Wednesday 1 April 2015

I have never really seen the point of April Fool's Day.

I prefer tricking people the other 364 days of the years ;)

Friday 27 February 2015

Leonard Nimoy has died

Those are words I hoped I would not have to write for many years. Perhaps they would be here or perhaps they would've been on another blogging site. Who knows? The question is mute now anyway. After a short hospital stay, at the age of 83, Leonard Nimoy passed away today. As many fans around the world have and are no doubt doing, I thought I would take a few minutes of my time to write down my feelings on the matter.

Growing up, I was always an outsider. I never really liked or played sports. I had a few but not many friends. In school, I tended to be the quiet child and later, teenager who kept to himself and did his work. Outside of school, I rarely had friends over at home. There wasn't any particular reason for that. I always just enjoyed my own company.

But growing up, there was always Star Trek. Being born in 1988, I missed The Original Series on its first run. I grew up with Jean-Luc Picard, William Riker, Mr Data and the rest of the crew of the Enterprise-D. Naturally, since the series was called "The Next Generation", I figured there was a series before but my knowledge of it was limited to what my parents talked about and the trailers I saw whenever we bought a new Star Trek VHS. 

Then one day, we bought an Original Series VHS. The one containing the first episodes, in fact. And I was widely unimpressed. While I enjoyed knowing more about the characters who had paved the way for my favourites, I didn't especially care about them. 

Until the Balance of Terror. 

Then I saw Spock being singled out by Lt Stiles because he happened to resemble the Romulans. Suddenly, I felt the starts of a connection to Spock. I had been bullied at my primary school, to the extent I was taken out and home schooled, and here it was, happening to someone on Star Trek? 

That began my love of Spock, which over the years evolved and expanded to include a love of Leonard Nimoy himself. When he joined Twitter and started asking if anyone wanted to be an honorary grandchild, I was one of the ones who immediately *screamed* "Yes!". When I first heard his voice on Fringe, I practically squealed with delight and when he saved Chris Pine's Kirk from that giant lobster monster in JJ Abrams' reboot of Star Trek, I slapped my brother's arm with delight so many times I think he still has the bruise.

So it is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to another of my childhood heroes. He lived long and he truly prospered, and that is all we can hope for. Here is his final tweet, posted just days before his death.

And to close, even though it is incredibly cheesy, I will leave with the catchphrase most associated with him.

Live long and prosper